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The Wall That Heals Volunteers


Thank you for volunteering for TWTH in Cayuga County at Falcon Park 13-17 September 2023.


There will be a pig roast dinner on September 13, 2023 from 4-6PM for all volunteers, each volunteer will get a T-Shirt and refreshments will be available.


Volunteers Orientation is highly encouraged.

Wednesday, September 13 at 6 pm following the dinner.


Sign up for positions and shifts




You can sign up for more than one shift and/or you can sign up for setup and tear down shifts.


Below is a list/description of roles during a 4-hour volunteer shift:


1. Wall Volunteers

 greet visitors, assist with finding names and doing name rubbings from The Wall, serve as an expert regarding layout, facts, and stories (you will be trained).


2. Visitor Tent

Act as a "receptionist", answer questions about The Wall, look up names, and hand out brochures.



3. Mobile Education Center

Share information about the Hometown Heroes, In Memory Honor Roll, and mobile Education Center, draw attention to various exhibits and engage visitor participation.


4. Volunteer Tent

Assist with volunteer check-in, explanation of roles.  Provide relief/assistance to others as needed.


5. Parking

Assist visitors finding parking (especially handicap) and guiding them toward the education center and visitor tent.





Wednesday, September 13

from 8:30 am to 2 pm.


We will need 50 able-bodied volunteers (many hands make lite work) to unload the truck, erect the frame, and build the wall (some slabs weigh 80 pounds). Volunteers must sign up for the entire time slot. Refreshments will be provided. Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet any specific dietary needs.


Tear Down

The public display time will end at 2 pm on Sunday, September 17th with tear-down to take place from 2 pm to UTC.

Again, 30-35 able-bodied volunteers needed to dismantle the exhibit and carefully pack the truck. Volunteers must sign-up for the entire time slot.


Call 315-253-1281 #5 (Kevin Swab) for more information or if you need help signing up

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